Saturday, October 23, 2010

Our Sweet Baby Girl

I can't believe she's already 5 weeks old! I've been needing to post some pictures of her on my blog, but haven't gotten around to doing it! She is such a sweet little baby and we are having so much fun with her. She was a big baby to begin with weighing in at 8 lbs 7 oz and she's still growing like crazy and now weighs a little over 11 lbs! I had to have an emergency c-section after laboring for about 23 hours (her heart rate dropped dangerously low). It definitely wasn't in my birth plan, but we made it through it. I'm finally feeling just about back to normal and it's so nice to finally have my energy back and be able to walk normally! Anyway, we are just loving having her in our little family and coudn't imagine being without her!


  1. She's such a little sweetie! I can't believe how much she's growing and how fast time has flown!

  2. Congrats! She is adorable. What is her name?? Glad you are feeling better.

  3. NIicole, she is a doll. I just love her. I am so sorry you had a hard time that is not fun, but they definitely make it worth it. Take care

  4. I love that little Cayla! She's so stankin' cute! I can't wait to see and hold her again. Love you!!

  5. Awe! So adorable! Great to see you're both doing well! Cute pictures!

  6. CONGRATS!! She is beauitful! Motherhood is one the of best life changing experiences ever!!

  7. Cayla is so adorable! I'm glad you are feeling back to normal. It can be tough recovering from a c-section.
